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                      Bedrock Linux

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Extending Bedrock


© Bedrock Linux 2012-2024
Linux® is a registered
trademark of Linus Torvalds

Bedrock Linux 0.7 Poki Distro Compatibility

The "Community Usage" column is a subjective rating of how heavily the given distro is used in Bedrock Linux community intended to provide a level of confidence in the "Known Issues" column's accuracy and recency.

Linux Distro Community Usage Known Issues Fetch Support Maintainer
Alpine Linux Medium None Yes paradigm
Arch Linux Very High None Yes paradigm
Artix Linux Medium None Yes None
CentOS Very Low None Yes paradigm
Clear Linux Very Low Many issues Unmaintained N/A
CRUX None BSD-style SysV init Unmaintained N/A
Debian Very High None Yes paradigm
Devuan Low None Yes paradigm
Elementary OS Very Low None No None
EndeavorOS Very Low None No None
Exherbo Medium None Yes None
Fedora Medium None Yes paradigm
Fedora Silverblue None Read-only root No None
Gentoo Linux High None Yes paradigm
GoboLinux None None No None
GuixSD None many No None
KISS Very Low Escapes restriction Unmaintained None
Linux Mint Low None No None
Manjaro Very Low pamac/octopi Unmaintained None
MX Linux None systemd-shim No None
NixOS Very Low many No None
OpenSUSE Very Low defaults to grub+btrfs No None
OpenWRT Very Low None Unmaintained None
Pop!_OS High None No None
QubesOS None None No None
Raspbian Medium None Yes paradigm
Slackware Low BSD-style SysV init Unmaintained None
Solus Very Low stateless Unmaintained None
Ubuntu Very High None Yes paradigm
Void Linux Very High None Yes paradigm


One effort to add brl fetch support involved bootstrapping via the stand-alone Nix package manager, which itself was installed via https://nixos.org/nix/install. However, Nix apparently disliked running in the limited brl fetch environment. This might be related to Nix sandboxing efforts. More investigation is needed.

Nix requires a runtime daemon. Proper support for NixOS might require brl enable support for pre/post enable hooks to launch the daemon when the stratum is enabled.

It is unclear if NixOS design assumptions will result in it becoming upset at non-local components, such as /etc files, changing out from under it.


Solus's "stateless" concept means it does not create various files in /etc Bedrock expects. This might be done to avoid fighting with users over /etc file changes.

Solus does provide default versions of these files, but outside of /etc. The expectation might be that the user copies them over at his/her whim.

This is likely removable with adequate effort. Bedrock could be configured to understand this concept via bedrock.conf lists of stateless copy locations. If the required file is missing but another location has it, Bedrock would then copy it over when enabling the stratum.

Clear Linux also calls itself "stateless." Efforts here should be tested against Clear as well.


KISS Linux's package manager, kiss, detects available executables on-the-fly rather than via its own dependency and package availability management. Consequently, it must be restricted to avoid accidentally jumping across strata. As of 0.7.16, Bedrock's default/recommended configuration restricts kiss.

kiss may call sudo under-the-hood. At the time of writing, using sudo on Bedrock escapes restriction, as using sudo resets the $PATH without conditionally checking if the new $PATH should be restricted or not. This may result in Bedrock-specific error messages when using kiss.

To properly support KISS Linux, Bedrock's sudo restriction escape hole should be resolved.

Fedora Silverblue

Fedora Silverblue uses a read-only root by default, which keeps the hijack installer from being able to do things like extract /bedrock onto the root directory. Investigation needs to be done to understand the ramifications of simply remounting the root directory read-write for the duration of the install. Silverblue's non-traditional nature will likely raise other issues as well.


Guix is similar to NixOS, but the init in here is not systemd, but shepherd which gave hope about having NixOS-like configuration of systems on non-systemd distros. Sadly, hijack process is not working, because of design assumptions of Guix. Neither did an attempt to use Guix binaries to fetch what's needed. More investigation is needed.